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To define a time series stat, you have to provide the query for each of the available time series modes, and a query to get the total for the full date range. Luckily, this package makes the process easy for you by providing a set of abstract Stat Repository classes that you can extend to define your stat.

Aggregate Stats

You can define an Aggregate Stat like so:

namespace App\Stats\TimeSeries;

use App\Models\Payment;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Javaabu\Stats\Filters\StatsFilter;
use Javaabu\Stats\Repositories\TimeSeries\AggregateStatsRepository;

class PaymentsCountRepository extends AggregateStatsRepository
public function query(): Builder
{ // this is the base query for your stat
return Payment::query();

public function getAggregateSql(): string
// this is the SQL statement for your aggregate field
return 'count(*) as '.$this->getAggregateFieldName();

public function getTable(): string
// this is the base table for your query
return 'payments';

public function getAggregateFieldName(): string
// this is the name of the aggregate field,
// which will be also used to generate the
// legend for the stats graph
return 'transactions';

Registering your stat

Once your stat class is defined, you can register it so that the stat will appear in the stat graph. You can register stats, by calling the TimeSeriesStats::register() method in your AppServiceProvider's boot method. When registering the stat, you should provide a unique metric name for each stat.

use \Javaabu\Stats\TimeSeriesStats;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap any application services.
public function boot(): void
'payments_count' => \App\Stats\TimeSeries\PaymentsCountRepository::class,
'payments_amount' => \App\Stats\TimeSeries\PaymentsAmountRepository::class,

Modifying the date field

By default, the created_at field is used to determine the date when generating the results. You can modify this by overriding the getDateFieldName method of your stat class.

class PaymentsCountRepository extends AggregateStatsRepository
public function getDateFieldName(): string
return 'paid_at';

Modifying the stat name

By default, the name displayed for the stat in the stats page is generated using the name of the stat class. To customise this name, you can override the getName method of your stat class.

class PaymentsCountRepository extends AggregateStatsRepository
public function getName(): string
return __('Successful Payment Transactions');

Modifying who can view the stat

By default, a stat can be viewed by a user with the view_stats permission. To modify this, you can override the canView method of your stat class.

class PaymentsCountRepository extends AggregateStatsRepository
public function canView(?Authorizable $user = null): bool
return $user && $user->can('viewStats', Payment::class);

Count Stats

CountStatsRepository is an abstract stat class that extends the AggregateStatsRepository class. Count Stats can be used to easily display the count of some value over a given time period. You can define a count stat like so:

namespace App\Stats\TimeSeries;

use App\Models\Payment;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Javaabu\Stats\Filters\StatsFilter;
use Javaabu\Stats\Repositories\TimeSeries\CountStatsRepository;

class PaymentsCountRepository extends CountStatsRepository
public function query(): Builder
return Payment::query()->paid();

public function getTable(): string
return 'payments';

public function getAggregateFieldName(): string
return 'transactions';

The above example will show the count of paid payments over time.

Using artisan to generate a count stat

Instead of manually creating a count stat class, you can use the provided stats:time-series command to generate a count stat for a given model.

php artisan stats:time-series PaymentsCount App\Models\Payment --type=count

The first argument is the name of your stat class and the 2nd argument is the model you're generating the stat for. This will create a PaymentsCount.php file inside the App\Stats\TimeSeries directory. It will also register the stat in your AppServiceProvider. For the automatic stat registration to work, you should already have a call to TimeSeriesStats::register in your AppServiceProvider.

Note that you for count stats, you can ommit the --type=count as count is the default option for the command.

php artisan stats:time-series PaymentsCount App\Models\Payment

Also, you can ommit the App\Models namespace for models in the default Models directory.

php artisan stats:time-series PaymentsCount Payment

Alternatively, you can use the model morph name as well.

php artisan stats:time-series PaymentsCount payment

Sum Stats

SumStatsRepository is an abstract stat class that extends the AggregateStatsRepository class. Sum Stats can be used to easily display the sum of some value over a given time period. You can define a sum stat like so:

namespace App\Stats\TimeSeries;

use App\Models\Payment;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Javaabu\Stats\Filters\StatsFilter;
use Javaabu\Stats\Repositories\TimeSeries\SumStatsRepository;

class PaymentAmountsRepository extends SumStatsRepository

public function query(): Builder
return Payment::query()->paid();

public function getTable(): string
return 'payments';

public function getFieldToSum(): string
return 'amount';

public function getAggregateFieldName(): string
return 'amount_received_mvr';

The above example will show the sum of the amount for paid payments over time.

Using artisan to generate a sum stat

Instead of manually creating a sum stat class, you can use the provided stats:time-series command to generate a sum stat for a given model.

php artisan stats:time-series PaymentAmounts payment --type=sum

Login Stats

LoginsRepository is an abstract stat class that can be used to display login counts for a specific user type. This stat uses data from spatie/laravel-activitylog to generate the results. So you will need the spatie/laravel-activitylog package to use this type of stats.


namespace App\Stats\TimeSeries;

use App\Models\Customer;
use Javaabu\Stats\Repositories\TimeSeries\LoginsRepository;

class CustomerLoginsRepository extends LoginsRepository

public function userModelClass(): string
return Customer::class;

Signup Stats

SignupsRepository is an abstract stat class that can be used to display signup counts for a specific user type.


namespace App\Stats\TimeSeries;

use App\Models\Customer;
use Javaabu\Stats\Repositories\TimeSeries\SignupsRepository;

class CustomerSignupsRepository extends SignupsRepository

public function userModelClass(): string
return Customer::class;