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Time series statistics are any statistic that varies over time. Using time series stats, you can track any numerical value that changes over time within a given time period. For example, this could be daily user signups, weekly sales, etc. Currently, this package allows viewing time series stats in the following modes:

  • Hour
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Year

Instantiating a stat class

To use a Time Series Stat Repository, you need to make a new instance of the class by providing a date range to generate the stats for. The data range should be either a \Javaabu\Stats\Enums\PresetDateRanges enum or an \Javaabu\Stats\Support\ExactDateRange object.

For preset date ranges, the package offers the following presets:

  • LAST_14_DAYS
  • LAST_30_DAYS

For exact date ranges, you can provide your own start and end date:

use \Javaabu\Stats\Support\ExactDateRange;

$date_range = new ExactDateRange('2024-07-30 12:32:00', '2024-08-02 13:42:00');

Once you've a date range, you can instantiate a new instance of the stat:

use \Javaabu\Stats\Repositories\TimeSeries\UserLoginsRepository;
use \Javaabu\Stats\Enums\PresetDateRanges;

$stat = new UserLoginsRepository(PresetDateRanges::LAST_7_DAYS);

You can also instantiate a stat using the TimeSeriesStats::createFromMetric() method. When calling this method, you have to use the registered metric name for the stat.

use \Javaabu\Stats\TimeSeriesStats;
use \Javaabu\Stats\Enums\PresetDateRanges;

$stat = TimeSeriesStats::createFromMetric('user_logins', PresetDateRanges::LAST_7_DAYS);

Getting the results from a stat class

Once you have instantiated a stat class, you can use the stat class to get the results in any of the available Time Series modes:

use \Javaabu\Stats\Enums\TimeSeriesModes;

$results = $stat->results(TimeSeriesModes::DAY); // returns a collection

Note that when calling the results method, the returned collection will not have any data for missing days (or hours, weeks, etc. depending on the mode you're using) within the given date range.

Formatting the results

To have the missing days also included as 0 values, you can format your results using a formatter that fills the missing days:

$formatted_results = $stat->format(
'combined', // which format to use
TimeSeriesModes::DAY); // returns an array

Filtering the results

Some stats will also allow you to filter the results using certain allowed filter values. For example, the UserLoginsRepository allows filtering by a specific user. To filter the results, you can provide an array of filters when you instantiate the stat.

use \Javaabu\Stats\TimeSeriesStats;
use \Javaabu\Stats\Enums\PresetDateRanges;

$stat = TimeSeriesStats::createFromMetric('user_logins', PresetDateRanges::LAST_7_DAYS, ['user' => 2]);
$filtered_results = $stat->results(TimeSeriesModes::DAY);

Getting the total for the date range

You can get the total value for your given date range by calling the total() method of the stat.

$total = $stat->total();