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Installation & Setup


You can install the package via composer:

composer require javaabu/paperless

Package Installation

To install the package, you can run the following command:

php artisan paperless:install

This command will:

  1. Publish the package configuration file.
  2. Publish the package migrations.
  3. Install seeders.
  4. Create entity types enum in app/Paperless/Enums directory.
  5. Add routes to your routes/admin.php file.
  6. Add api routes to your routes/api.php file.
  7. Add menu items to your app/Menus/AdminSidebar.php file.

You should implement Javaabu\Paperless\Interfaces\Applicant interface on any model that acts as an applicant, such as User or PublicUser model.

You should also implement Javaabu\StatusEvents\Interfaces\TrackingSubject interface on the User model.

To enable document uploading, you must have an api route that accepts file uploads. After setting up the route, you can update the paperless.php configuration file to point to the route.

    'routes' => [
'document_store' => ''

Notice You should add your own Media model that extends SpatieMedia model to your project. This is because the package assumes you have a relation with documentType on the Media model.

    public function documentType(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(config('paperless.models.document_type'));

Additionally, don't forget to point to your Media model in the media-library.php configuration file.

    'media_model' => \App\Models\Media::class,

You may store your Media Model wherever you may please. Just make sure to update the configuration file to point to the correct model.

Seeding Data

First you need to seed the entity types. You may update the EntityTypes enum created during the installation process to add/update the entity types you want to seed. Then you can run the following command to seed the entity types.

php artisan db:seed --class=EntityTypesSeeder

Then you need to seed the model permissions

php artisan db:seed --class=PaperlessModelPermissionsSeeder

Optional: You will need to give your user the seeded permissions to access the package models. Normally you would need to run the following command to seed the permissions for the user.

php artisan db:seed --class=RolesSeeder