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Creating An Application Type

Creating An Application Type Category

Application types are grouped together using categories. Therefore, before you can create an application type, you need to create a category. To create a new category, you can use the following command:

php artisan paperless:category

The command will ask you for the slug of the category and the label. The slug is used to identify the category in the database.

Creating An Application Type

Once you have created a category, you can create an application type. To create a new application type, you can use the following command:

php artisan paperless:type

The command will ask you for the following information:

  1. The name of the application type
  2. The category of the application type
  3. The entity types that can apply for the application type

The command will create the following files:

  1. A super class for the application type in the app/Paperless/ApplicationTypes directory
  2. A class for defining the application type fields in the app/Paperless/FieldDefinitions directory
  3. A service class for the application type in the app/Paperless/Services directory

Adding Fields To The Application Type

Open up the field definition class created for the application type in the app/Paperless/FieldDefinitions directory.

The class will have a static getFields method that returns an array of field definitions. You may use the following value objects to define the fields

  1. Javaabu\Paperless\Support\ValueObjects\SectionDefinition
  2. Javaabu\Paperless\Support\ValueObjects\FieldGroupDefinition
  3. Javaabu\Paperless\Support\ValueObjects\FieldDefinition

Note that FieldDefinition objects can be nested within SectionDefinition and FieldGroupDefinition objects to create a nested structure of fields. and FieldGroupDefinition objects can be nested within SectionDefinition objects to create a nested structure of field groups.

After defining the fields, you can run the following commands to seed the application type with the fields and to seed the necessary permissions.

php artisan db:seed --class=ApplicationTypesSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=ApplicationTypesPermissionsSeeder

Optionally, you can seed the roles again to ensure that the new permissions are added to the roles.

php artisan db:seed --class=RolesSeeder