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Preparing Your Model

Preparing Your Model

To associate a mobile number with a user, the user model must implement the following interface and trait:


namespace App\Models;

use Javaabu\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Javaabu\MobileVerification\Contracts\HasMobileNumber;
use Javaabu\MobileVerification\Traits\InteractsWithMobileNumbers;

class User extends Authenticatable implements HasMobileNumber
use InteractsWithMobileNumbers;

If you want your users to have verified mobile number to access certain routes, you can implement Javaabu\MobileVerification\Contracts\ShouldHaveVerifiedMobileNumber interface in your user model. This interface has a method redirectToMobileVerificationUrl() that you can implement to redirect users to a URL if they are not verified.

To protect the routes, you can use the middleware 'mobile-verified' in your routes file. This middleware checks if the user has a verified mobile number and redirects them to the URL returned by the redirectToMobileVerificationUrl() method if they are not verified. You may also pass a list of guards to the middleware to check for verified mobile numbers for specific guards.

Below is an example of how you can use the middleware in your routes file:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

'middleware' => 'mobile-verified:web',
], function () {
Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
return view('dashboard');