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How to Update Mobile Number

You can use this package to update a user's mobile number. Before diving into the implementation steps, let's see how the update process works.

Update Process

The update process with mobile number works as follows:

  1. An authenticated user sends a request to the application with their new mobile number.
  2. The package checks if the mobile number is already registered. 3. If the mobile number is already registered, the package returns a message that the mobile number is already registered. 4. If the mobile number is not registered, the package sends an OTP to the new mobile number.
  3. The user then enters the OTP.
  4. The package verifies the OTP.
  5. The package then assigns the verified mobile number to the user and disassociates the previous mobile number from the user.

Step 1: Create the Controller

Create a controller that extends the Javaabu\Helpers\Http\Controllers\Controller class, implements Javaabu\MobileVerification\Contracts\UpdateMobileNumberContract interface and add Javaabu\MobileVerification\Traits\UpdatesMobileNumber trait to it. Below is an example of how you can create the controller in your application.


namespace Javaabu\MobileVerification\Tests\TestSupport\Controllers;

use Javaabu\Helpers\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Javaabu\MobileVerification\Traits\UpdatesMobileNumber;
use Javaabu\MobileVerification\Tests\TestSupport\Models\User;
use Javaabu\MobileVerification\Contracts\UpdateMobileNumberContract;

class MobileNumberUpdateController extends Controller implements UpdateMobileNumberContract
use UpdatesMobileNumber;

* The authenticatable user class to use
* */
public function getUserClass(): string
return User::class;

public function getVerificationCodeRequestFormView(): ?string
return "verification-code-request-form";

* This is the view that will be returned when the
* user is required to enter the verification code
* */
public function getVerificationCodeFormView(): ?string
return "verification-code-entry-form";

* The URL to redirect to when the verification code is validated,
* and the mobile number is updated. For example, profile page.
* */
public function verificationCodeSuccessRedirectUrl(): string
// TODO: Implement verificationCodeSuccessRedirectUrl() method.

Step 2: Define the Routes

Define the routes in your application. Below is an example of how you can define the routes in your application.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Http\Controllers\LoginController;

'middleware' => 'web',
'prefix' => '/mobile-verification',
], function () {

* This route will show the form where the user will enter their
* new mobile number and request for the verification code
* */
Route::get('/update', [MobileNumberUpdateController::class, 'showVerificationCodeRequestForm'])->name('mobile-verifications.update.create');

* This route will handle the request and send the verification code
* if the mobile number is valid and not registered and shows a
* form to enter the verification code. This view is defined
* in the `getVerificationCodeFormView` method in the controller.
* */
Route::post('/update', [MobileNumberUpdateController::class, 'requestVerificationCode'])->name('');

* This route will handle the validation of the verification code sent from the
* previous route and updates the user mobile number if the verification code
* is valid. The user is then redirected to the URL defined in the
* `verificationCodeSuccessRedirectUrl` method in the controller.
* */
Route::match(['PATCH', 'PUT'],'/update', [MobileNumberUpdateController::class, 'verifyVerificationCode'])->name('mobile-verifications.update.update');


Step 3: Making The Requests

To update the mobile number, you need to make the following requests:

Requesting The Verification Code

Below is an example of how you can make the request in your application.

country_codeThe country code of the mobile number. When not given, default country code is usedStringNo
numberThe mobile number to validate.StringYes

Verifying The Verification Code & Updating The Mobile Number

Below are the default required and optional fields for the registration form. You may add more fields to the registration form, however the validation rules for any additional fields must be defined in the getRegisterFieldsValidationRules method in the controller.

country_codeThe country code of the mobile number. When not given, default country code is usedStringNo
numberThe mobile number to validate.StringYes
verification_codeThe OTP sent to the mobile number.StringYes
verification_code_idThe ID of the verification code. This is automatically sent to the verification code entry form.StringYes