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This package supports Select2 JS library and Javaabu's select2-custom data attributes. To use Select2, you must use the select2 component instead of the standard select component. This will generate a select element with the select2-basic class applied.

<x-forms::select2 name="country" :options="$countries" />

Using Ajax

To load the select options from Ajax as you type, you must use the is-ajax attribute and provide an API url using the ajax-url attribute. When using Ajax, make sure the initial options include the current selected value.

<x-forms::form :model="$address">
<x-forms::select2 name="country" :label="__('Country')" :options="Country::whereId(isset($address) ? $address->country_id : old('country'))" :ajax-url="route('api.countries.index')" is-ajax />

You can use the id-field and name-field attributes to customize the fields that are used to retrieve the options in the API request.

Disabling allow clear

By default, all select2 elements will have the data-allow-clear option enabled which will show a button to clear the current selection. You can disabled this feature by setting allow-clear attribute to false.

<x-forms::select2 name="country" :options="$countries" :allow-clear="false" />

Hiding the search box

If you want to hide the search box for a select2 element, use the hide-search attribute. This would add data-minimum-results-for-search="Infinity" to the select element, which will disable the search feature.

<x-forms::select2 name="country" :options="$countries" hide-search />

Enabling tags

To enable the user to add their own options to the select, enable the tags feature of Select2 by using the tags attribute.

<x-forms::select2 name="categories" :options="$options" multiple tags />

Using Select2 inside a modal

When using a select2 element inside a modal, remember to use the parent-modal attribute to specify the selector of the modal to properly render the select2 element.

<x-modal id="your-modal">
<x-forms::select2 name="country" :options="$countries" parent-modal="#your-modal" />

Setting up a Select2 cascade

If you want to setup a cascade of selects that depends on each other, use the is-first attribute on the first select in the cascade and use the child attribute to specify its child select. Then on the child select, use the filter-field attribute to specify the field name that's used to filter the results in the API request.

Notice that here ajax-url is used without setting is-ajax to true. The reason for this is we want the options of the children elements to be loaded only when a parent element's selected value changes, but we don't want the children elements' options to change as we search inside their select2 search boxes.

<x-forms::form :model="$address">
<x-forms::select2 name="country" :options="Country::query()" child="#state" is-first />

<x-forms::select2 name="state" :options="State::whereCountryId($address->country?->id ?? null)" :ajax-url="route('api.states.index')" child="#city" filter-field="country" />

<x-forms::select2 name="city" :options="City::whereStateId($address->state?->id ?? null)" :ajax-url="route('api.cities.index')" filter-field="state" relation />


You can use the fallback attribute to specify a text input that would be displayed instead of a select when a child select receives 0 options from the API. This will allow users to enter their own values if no options are available. When a fallback is active, its associated select will be disabled. Remember to add the fallback class to the fallback element.

<x-forms::form :model="$address">
<x-forms::select2 name="country" :options="Country::query()" child="#state" is-first />

<x-forms::select2 name="state" :options="State::whereCountryId($address->country?->id ?? null)" :ajax-url="route('api.states.index')" child="#city" filter-field="country" />

<x-forms::select2 name="city" :options="City::whereStateId($address->state?->id ?? null)" :ajax-url="route('api.cities.index')" fallback="#city-name" filter-field="state" relation />

<x-forms::text name="city" id="city-name" class="fallback" :placeholder="__('Write your own city name...')" />
