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Input and textarea elements

The minimum requirement for an input or textarea is the name attribute.

<x-forms::input name="company_name" />

Optionally you can add a label attribute, which can be computed as well.

<x-forms::input name="company_name" label="Company name" />
<x-forms::input name="company_name" :label="__('Company name')" />

You can also choose to use a placeholder instead of a label, and of course you can change the type of the element.

<x-forms::input type="email" name="current_email" placeholder="Current email address" />

By default, every element shows validation errors, but you can hide them if you want.

<x-forms::textarea name="description" :show-errors="false" />

By default, the input will be rendered inside a form group. You can display the label either inline or as a floating label using the inline and floating attributes.

<x-forms::input name="company_name" label="Company name" inline />
<x-forms::input name="company_name" label="Company name" floating />

If you want to hide the label and not wrap the input inside a form group, you can hide the label:

<x-forms::textarea name="description" :show-label="false" />

You can mark an input as required using the required attribute. This will also add an * to the input label.

<x-forms::input name="company_name" label="Company name" required />

To change the * to some other text such as (Required), you can publish the package translations and edit the strings.php language file.

'required_text' => '(Required)',

The input element will default to text input. For convenience, components for other HTML5 input types are also included which are just extensions of the input component. The included input types are given below.

<x-forms::text name="text" />
<x-forms::password name="password" />
<x-forms::number name="number" />
<x-forms::hidden name="hidden" />
<x-forms::email name="email" />
<x-forms::url name="url" />
<x-forms::tel name="tel" />
<x-forms::latitude name="latitude" /> <!-- Number field with range -90 to 90 -->
<x-forms::longitude name="longitude" /> <!-- Number field with range -180 to 180 -->