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The Twilio driver uses the laravel-notification-channels/twilio package. To use the Twilio driver, you must first install this package using the following command.

composer require laravel-notification-channels/twilio

Then, you should configure the Twilio credentials in your .env file.

TWILIO_USERNAME=XYZ # optional when using auth token
TWILIO_PASSWORD=ZYX # optional when using auth token
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=ABCD # optional when using username and password
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=1234 # always required
TWILIO_FROM=100000000 # optional default from
TWILIO_DEBUG_TO=23423423423 # Set a number that call calls/messages should be routed to for debugging
TWILIO_SMS_SERVICE_SID=MG0a0aaaaaa00aa00a00a000a00000a00a # Optional but recommended
TWILIO_SHORTEN_URLS=true # optional, enable URL shortener

Now set the default SMS_DRIVER in your .env file to twilio.


Dhiraagu Bulk Messaging

The Dhiraagu driver uses the dash8x/dhiraagu-sms-notification package. To use the Dhiraagu driver, you must first install this package using the following command.

composer require dash8x/dhiraagu-sms-notification

Then add your Dhiraagu Bulk Messaging credentials to your config/services.php config file.

// config/services.php
'dhiraagu' => [
'username' => env('DHIRAAGU_SMS_USERNAME'), // Bulk SMS gateway username, usually same as your sender name
'password' => env('DHIRAAGU_SMS_PASSWORD'), // Bulk SMS gateway password
'url' => env('DHIRAAGU_SMS_URL'), // optional, use only if you need to override the default,
// defaults to

Finally, set the default SMS_DRIVER in your .env file to dhiraagu.
