📄️ csrfAdder
This module automatically adds the X-CSRF-Token header to outgoing ajax requests. This module assumes that you have the csrf-token meta tag in your page's head. The CSRF Token is added only to requests going to the same domain as the current one.
📄️ select2Custom
This module provides Javaabu's custom Select2 functionality through data attributes. This module requires Select2 to be available on the page.
📄️ loaders
This module provides loading animation functionality for different elements.
📄️ lang
This module provides JS localization functionality. It is designed to be used with mariuzzo/laravel-js-localization. So to properlly use this module, the JS generated by mariuzzo/laravel-js-localization should be included in your page before this module.
📄️ utilities
This module provides several JS utility functions that other modules use. It might be useful to add these function to the window for convenience and backwards compatibility.
📄️ conditionalDisplay
This module provides several data attributes that can be used to conditionally dispaly or hide inputs. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ postLinks
This module provides on click ajax post functionalities for buttons and links. This module requires SweetAlert2. Make sure SweetAlert2 is included in the page using this module. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ submitConfirmation
This module enables displaying confirmation dialogues on form submissions and button clicks. This module requires SweetAlert2. Make sure SweetAlert2 is included in the page using this module. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ editModal
This module includes functionality for dynamic edit modals. This module requires SweetAlert2. Make sure SweetAlert2 is included in the page using this module. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ fileUploadInput
This module includes functionality for ajax upload and deletion for file inputs. This module is best used with jasny-bootstrap fileinput.js script. To use this module, import and initialize it.
📄️ dateInput
This module enables date and time pickers. This module requires flatpickr. Make sure flatpickr is included in the page using this module. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ slugInput
This module enables interactive slug inputs. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ contentSearch
This module provides several data attributes that can be used to search content on the page. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ urlInput
Automatically prefixes http// to url inputs on key up. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ selectAllCheckbox
Used for selecting multiple checkboxes using a single checkbox. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ codeInput
Enables tab input in textareas for code input. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ deletable
Allows deleting of an html element. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ sortable
Provides functionality for sorting elements. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.
📄️ editSelected
Allows dynamically linking to an item selected from a select. To use the module, import it and initialize like so.