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This class provides convenient validation methods for different file types.


namespace App\Http\Requests;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Javaabu\Helpers\Media\AllowedMimeTypes;

class ProductsRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* @return bool
public function authorize()
return true;

* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* @return array
public function rules()
$rules = [
'featured_image' => AllowedMimeTypes::getValidationRule('image'),

return $rules;

Available Methods

The AllowedMimeTypes class has the following available static methods.

getAllowedMimeTypes(string|array $type): array

Given a file type, or an array of types, returns an array of allowed mime types.

$mimetypes = AllowedMimeTypes::getAllowedMimeTypes('image');
/* $mimetypes

To register your own mime types, you can call the AllowedMimeTypes::registerMimeTypes method in the boot method of yourApp\Providers\AppServiceProvider class.

use Javaabu\Helpers\AllowedMimeTypes;

AllowedMimeTypes::registerMimeTypes('word', ['application/', 'text/plain']);

getAllowedMimeTypesString(string|array $type, string $separator = ','): string

Given a file type, or an array of types, returns a string of allowed mime types separated by the given delimiter.

$mimetypes = AllowedMimeTypes::getAllowedMimeTypesString('image');
/* $mimetypes

isAllowedMimeType(string $mime_type, array|string $type): bool

Checks whether a given mimetype is allowed for the given file type(s).

AllowedMimeTypes::isAllowedMimeType('audio/mp3', 'image'); // returns false

getMaxFileSize(string|array $types): int

Returns the max allowed file size in KB for the given file type. If an array of file types is given, it will return the maximum size allowed from all the given file types. By default, for each given file type, the method will look if a 'max_<type>_file_size'' setting is available. Otherwise, it will fallback to the 'max_upload_file_size' setting.

// returns value of max_image_file_size setting

By default, the method will look for a setting in the format 'max_{type}_file_size'. If the setting is not available, then it will fallback to 'max_upload_file_size' setting.

To register your own file size settings for a set of file types, you can call the AllowedMimeTypes::registerFileSizeSettings method in the boot method of yourApp\Providers\AppServiceProvider class.

use Javaabu\Helpers\AllowedMimeTypes;

AllowedMimeTypes::registerFileSizeSettings('max_audio_visual_file_size', ['video', 'audio']);

In the above example, both video and audio files will use the 'max_audio_visual_file_size' setting.

getValidationRule(string|array $type, bool $as_array = false, ?int $max_size = null): array|string

Generates the validation rule for the given file type. Optionally pass a custom file size.

getType(string $mime_type): ?string

Given a mime type, returns the corresponding file type.

// returns image

getFileSizeSetting(string $file_type): string

Given a file type, returns the registered file size setting. If no setting is registered, falls back to 'max_upload_file_size'.

// returns 'max_image_file_size'

getAttachmentValidationRule(string|array $type = null): array

Given a file type, generates a validation rule for valid media record from spatie/laravel-medialibrary media table.

getExtension(?string $mime_type): ?string

Given a mimetype, returns the corresponding file extension.

// returns 'jpeg'

To register your own mime type extensions, you can call the AllowedMimeTypes::registerMimeTypeExtensions method in the boot method of yourApp\Providers\AppServiceProvider class.

use Javaabu\Helpers\AllowedMimeTypes;

'image/png' => 'png',
'image/x-ico' => 'ico'

getExtensions(array $mime_types): array

Given an array of mimetypes, returns an array of corresponding unique file extensions.

AllowedMimeTypes::getExtensions(['image/jpeg', 'image/x-icon', 'image/x-ico']);
// returns ['jpeg', 'ico']