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Setting A Polygon

Setting a Polygon Column

The package supports using a wkt string to define the points of the polygon.


Wkt should be a valid wkt format string.

Example: POLYGON((73.5092 4.1758, 73.5094 4.1758, 73.5094 4.1757, 73.5092 4.1757, 73.5092 4.1758))

Optionally, you can also omit the word "POLYGON" from the wkt string.

You also have the option to manually pass in the database column and srid as the second argument and third argument.

$city = new City();
$city->name = 'Male City';
$wkt = '(73.50924692977462 4.175893831117514,73.50942707022546 4.175893831117514,73.50942707022546 4.175714168882511,73.50924692977462 4.175714168882511,73.50924692977462 4.175893831117514)';
$city->setPolygon($wkt); // // $city->setPolygon($wkt, 'coordinates', 4326);
