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Using stubs in commands

To use stubs in commands, use the GeneratesFiles trait in your command.

use Javaabu\GeneratorHelpers\Concerns\GeneratesFiles;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class FactoryGenerateCommand extends Command
use GeneratesFiles;


Available Methods

The trait will add the following methods to your command.

  • getFilesystem(): Returns the Laravel Filesystem instance
  • getRenderer(): Returns a StubRenderer instance
  • getFullFilePath(string $path, string $file_name): Returns the full file path with the file name appended to the path.
  • getPath(string $default, string $path = ''): Returns the default path if no path given. Otherwise, returns the full absolute path relative to the project base path.
  • appendContent(string $file_path, array $contents, string $stub = ''): If the given file exists, appends the given contents to that file using StubRenderer appendMultipleContent method. Otherwise, creates a new file at the given file path using the given stub and appends the content.
  • putContent(string $file_path, string $content, bool $force = false): Creates a file at the given file path with the given content. Returns an error if file already exists, unless using the force option. When using the force option, the file is overwritten.
  • alreadyExists(string $path): Checks if a given file already exists.
  • makeDirectory(string $path): Creates a directory at the given path.