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How to use the package

Setting up the environment

You are required to set up the environment variables in your .env file. You can get the values from the Bandeyri Pay dashboard.



Once you have set up the environment variables, you can start using the package. The main class is BandeyriPay and is registered in the service container as a singleton. You may use either of the below methods to get an instance of the BandeyriPay class.

// Using helper method

// Using the app helper method

Once the instance is obtained, you can use the following methods to interact with the Bandeyri Pay API.

Get Agency information

This method provides information about the government office responsible for the Bandeyri Pay API. For example, if the Ministry of Islamic Affairs uses the API, the agency information will pertain to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.


Get Agency purposes

This method provides a list of services offered by the agency, similar to budge codes where specific types of funds are collected under designated codes. For example, if the Ministry of Islamic Affairs uses the API, the purposes will be the services provided by the Ministry. Each transaction will have a specific purpose, and the payment will be made for that purpose.


Get all transactions

This method provides a list of all transactions made through the Bandeyri Pay API. You can also paginate the results by passing the page number as an argument to the paginateTransactions method.


If you would like to paginate the transactions, you can pass the page number as an argument to the getTransactions method. The transactions are paginated with a default limit of 15 transactions per page. Bandeyri Pay API does not allow you to change the per page limit.

bandeyriPay()->getTransactions(page: 1);

Get transaction

This method provides information about a specific transaction. You need to pass the transaction ID as an argument to the getTransaction method.

bandeyriPay()->getTransactionById(transactionId: 'transaction-uuid');

Create transaction

This method is used to create a new transaction. You need to pass the transaction data as an argument to the createTransaction method. The transaction data should be an instance of the TransactionData class.

$transaction_data = TransactionData::fromArray([...])
bandeyriPay()->createTransaction(data: $transaction_data);